2 Emilio Maldonado

The numbers below represent an object found in Emilio Maldonado’s installation. Using the exhibition description, can you decode these numbers to make a five-letter word? Each blue number represents a line of text.

Emilio Maldonado Puzzle Image Resized


Hint: Each red number represents a word, and each yellow number represents a letter. So 9,3,8 = 9th line, 3rd word, 8th letter!


How many objects can you find in this installation that you once owned?

To win a prize, keep solving...

Ready for your next puzzle? Take the hallway immediately to your left into Terminal C. Just past Gate C20, in between the restrooms, is another exhibition. When you arrive, tap the button below!

Tap to reveal hint.

Hint: Each red number represents a word, and each yellow number represents a letter. So 9,3,8 = 9th line, 3rd word, 8th letter!


Incorrect - Try Again!


How many objects can you find in this installation that you once owned?

To win a prize, keep solving...

Ready for your next puzzle? Take the hallway immediately to your left into Terminal C. Just past Gate C20, in between the restrooms, is another exhibition. When you arrive, tap the button below!


You solved all our puzzles, so you win six pins by artists who have exhibited at Philadelphia International Airport! Fill out the form below and we’ll mail them to you.

The PHL Art Puzzle Challenge is presented by the Exhibitions Program at Philadelphia International Airport in partnership with Eric The Puzzler, a Philly-based creator who designs virtual and in-person puzzle events and experiences.


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