The following initiatives are examples of projects that assist in bringing environmental, social, and economic benefits to our community, in addition to providing support in meeting the goals outlined in the City of Philadelphia’s Sustainability Initiatives.
Philadelphia International Airport strives to protect critical habitat on and around Airport property and perform wetland mitigation in relation to construction activities.
In all respects, Philadelphia International Airport seeks to reduce adverse impacts to waterways and wetlands in the vicinity of the Airport through water quality initiatives.
Click here for more information on water quality initiatives.
The Division of Aviation seeks to reduce adverse impacts on the atmosphere and regional air quality through the following initiatives:
- Electrification of Ground Support Equipment
- Gate Improvements to reduce Aircraft Emissions
- Ground Transportation Improvements
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Tracking
- Vehicle and Equipment Upgrades
- Alternative Modes of Transportation Provided
Click here for more information on air quality initiatives.
The City of Philadelphia, Department n of Aviation, is committed to reducing the effects and exposure of aircraft noise whenever possible at Philadelphia International and Northeast Philadelphia Airports. Since 1997, the Airport Noise Office has monitored noise levels and flight activity in the region and has actively worked with both aircraft operators and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to minimize aircraft noise impacts.
Noise Complaints, Questions and Comments
Noise is an inevitable consequence of airport operations. While airplane engine design is constantly improving to reduce noise, noise remains the biggest complaint from airport neighbors. Although the City’s ability to reduce aircraft noise is limited, the Airport is committed to taking steps to improve communication about noise issues, and to work with airlines and the FAA to reduce noise impacts to our community.
Noise Compatibility Program (F.A.R. Part 150)
Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) has voluntarily developed a Noise Compatibility Plan (NCP) and Noise Exposure Maps (NEMs) under Part 150 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (F.A.R.s). NEMs show the level of aircraft noise exposure at the time they were developed and also provide future forecast of aircraft noise exposure based on factors such as future flight paths, the number of aircraft operations and the type of aircraft anticipated to operate. Also, the area that exceeds 65 dB(A) is shown, which is the threshold for compatibility with residential and other noise-sensitive land uses. Similarly, the NCP is an approved plan to reduce aircraft noise exposure. Both the NCP and NEMs were developed with substantial input from local communities.
For more information on PHL's Noise Compatibility Program Green Initiatives, please contact the Airport Noise Office at 215-937-6750 or via email to [email protected].
Philadelphia International Airport seeks to conserve energy and reduce its dependence on non-renewable sources of energy through the following initiatives:
- Energy Efficiency Improvements to Terminal Facilities
- Energy Benchmarking and Other City-Wide Energy Initiatives
- LEED Certification of the Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Maintenance Facility
- LEED Certification of PHL Commuter Terminal F Baggage Claim
Philadelphia International Airport is committed to resource conservation. Selecting building materials and products carefully and reducing or diverting waste from landfills protects the environment.