PHL's Taxiway J Upgrade to Use Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Framework

Taxiways are a critical airport infrastructure component that allow for efficient operations and help to avoid delays. Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) maintains nearly 60 taxiways throughout the airfield, which allow aircraft movements to and from four runways.

PHL's Capital Development team is planning a major upgrade for Taxiway J, located between Taxiway Z and Taxiway Y in Cargo City, which will include a complete reconstruction. The upgrade is partially funded by a $6.9 million grant from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The airport anticipates additional funding support for this project in 2022 from the FAA’s $431.8M investment to build safer, more sustainable, and more accessible airports.

The surface of Taxiway J is now over 20 years old and is beginning to show increased need for maintenance as it nears its end of useful life. Operationally, Taxiway J is a critical taxiway, especially during winter weather when deicing operations affect how aircraft queue. PHL is beginning the design process now to plan for upgrades to ensure safe and efficient aircraft operations in the west airfield area. While Taxiway J is currently in design, there are some exciting components already underway.

Taxiway J Pavement Repair is the first project at PHL that will use the Envision Sustainable Infrastructure framework: a rating system intended to help project teams identify sustainable, resilient, and equitable approaches to projects. The design team partners, including Michael Baker and RS&H are providing in-house expertise to help navigate the Envision application and verification process.

Construction for this project is anticipated to begin Spring 2023 and is expected to take two years to reach completion.


Media Contacts

Christine Ottow
Director of Strategic Communications
[email protected]
Heather Redfern
Public Affairs Manager
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