PHL Receives $18 Million FAA Airport Improvement Program Grant to Support Taxiway P Project

Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) was awarded an $18 million Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program grant for the airport’s project to realign Taxiway P to meet the FAA’s 500-foot runway-taxiway separation requirement for low visibility operations. Taxiway P is currently located 400 feet south of Runway 9L-27R. PHL’s project will realign Taxiway P between Taxiways U and N and increase the runway-taxiway separation to 633 feet.   

“We thank the FAA for recognizing and supporting this critical infrastructure project,” said Api Appulingam, PHL’s Deputy Director of Aviation-Capital Development. “In addition to realigning Taxiway P, we will also improve airfield lighting and signage and construct a new drainage network to support the new taxiway. This work will help reduce the impact of low-visibility weather events on airport operations.”   

PHL’s Taxiway P project is expected to begin construction in spring 2022, with an anticipated completion date of spring 2024. For more information about the FAA Airport Improvement Program grants, click here


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Christine Ottow
Director of Strategic Communications
[email protected]
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