PHL Employee Profile: Senior Departmental HR Associate Tamara Whitfield

What is your current position at PHL and how long have you worked here? 

I am a Senior Departmental HR Associate, and I have worked for the Division of Aviation since March 2014.  My duties include employee discipline, investigations, and representing the airport during unemployment, civil service, and arbitration hearings.  In partnership with Penn Behavioral health, I recently organized an Employee Assisted Program (EAP) Virtual Wellness Series focused on mindfulness, stress management, and relaxation to help employees cope during the COVID-19 pandemic. EAP is a resource provided to all division of aviation employees and their families dealing with traumatic stress and grief.   

Why did you decide to work at PHL and what’s the most meaningful part of your job? 

I had a working relationship with the Division of Aviation before working in the department. I always held the airport in high esteem, and I am happy I had an opportunity to work here.  

What do you enjoy most about the Airport? 

I enjoy watching the people who through the airport,  it never gets old to watch children who are flying to Florida to go to Disney World or when you see the soldiers flying out for basic training.  This quote resonates with me when I think of the airport,  “There are more heartfelt hellos and  goodbyes daily in an airport than anywhere else in the world.” 

What are some of the key principals/personal mantra by which you live by and what inspires you 

One of my fundamental principles comes from my grandmother, who always said, “There’s more than one way to say something.” She always taught me that people will forget your words, but will never forget how you made them feel.     

Do you have any ‘favorites’ (eateries, retail shops, amenities, etc.) that you would recommend to family and friends traveling through PHL?  

I would recommend passengers take time to look at the amazing art exhibits at the airport especially the pinball-esque display in baggage claim.  For food, I would recommend passengers visit the Local Tavern and Revive.  

What’s your most memorable moment at PHL? (Working with a passenger or stakeholder)  

Watching the Pope leave Philadelphia in 2015, welcoming delegates flying in for the 2016 Democratic National Convention (DNC), and the feeling in the office after the Eagles won the Superbowl!  

What challenges has your department faced since the COVID-19 pandemic and how have you and your co-workers overcome those challenges? 

The airport has done an amazing job with communicating the everchanging amount of information that the department receives daily and handling issues as they arise. Throughout the pandemic, the airport has shown that they care about their employees, and that’s so important.  


Media Contacts

Christine Ottow
Director of Strategic Communications
[email protected]
Heather Redfern
Public Affairs Manager
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